The transportation system is essentially a greater need for families and working class people in San Francisco Bay Area, and our international media network spoke with people in the bay area about Uber outrage in Europe. Some local San Francisco Bay Area residents and working class people are looking at alternative transportation, because Uber transportation usage of internet application for potential passengers is dangerous. Recently, a passenger was personally attacked by an Uber driver, some people are afraid the same attack could be them as passengers riding in an Uber driven car. Some people are saying, we want to ride in a car that we can trust the driver, with lawfully checked driving background for passengers to be safe. Because using a technology application and waiting for an Uber driver to pick us up is unsafe and unhealthy, said one family, waiting at the muni bus stop in San Francisco. #EliteLimousine driver's background is lawfully checked and cleared to operate passenger transporting vehicles, and all fleet vehicles are always cleaned with eco-cleaning solutions without toxin, to keep car interiors environmentally safe and healthy for passengers.

#EliteLimousine performs authentic face-to-face questionnaire surveys with customers, and 97% of customers sharing very satisfied with transportation services provided by #EliteLimousine, per evidence-based information our survey department received!

2016 S-Class Mercedes: