The shuttles pilot project was opened today for high-tech commuters in San Francisco, and differences continue between high-tech companies and San Francisco residents. City activists feel that high-tech companies are ruining their San Francisco and raising the cost of living, with high renting costs for housing and small business are moving out of the city. In fact, activists are looking at the legal system to provide them with assistance, due to environmental impact for people living and working in San Francisco. Protesters were on the streets this morning and blocked shuttles down Valencia and 24th street, with signs including people on wheelchairs with disabilities, and activist protesters feel the mayor and high-tech companies are taking away their soul from the city.

One of the protesters, Judy Brady said, "Ive been living in the city for 11 years and seeing evictions around all the time." She said, "I don't like my new high-tech neighbors and they don't understand our Mission neighborhood culture." Some protesters wore pins on their clothing with eviction messages on it and including seniors with disability, and protesting session ended with San Francisco Police assistance for a peaceful protest. All Elite Limousine fleet vehicles are maintained and monitored to be consistent with legal emission levels for our environment, keeping our environmental climate healthy based on surveys our international media network received.

#EliteLimousine performs authentic face-to-face questionnaire surveys with customers, and 97% of customers sharing very satisfied with transportation services provided by #EliteLimousine, per evidence-based information our survey department received! #EliteLimousine driver's background is lawfully checked and cleared to operate passenger transporting vehicles, and all fleet vehicles are always cleaned with eco-cleaning solutions without toxin, to keep car interiors environmentally safe and healthy for passengers.

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