The BART Board of Directors officially approved funding for a contracting agency regarding the BART Watch app implementation process, and development for BART passengers to report criminal activities happening on BART transit and locations. The app will help BART police with ways and means of support for prevention and safety for passengers, and protection of government properties from criminals and people with bad behaviors. Also providing passengers with an accessible tool in their hands to report crimes without feeling unsafe, and passengers will become part of the solution without fear. They will help BART Police resolve some robberies, disruptive behaviors, and vandalism on BART transit services for people. "The app is like texting police for assistance," said Alicia Trost, BART Spokesperson.

The app is available on Android and other technology devices, developed by a company that worked with Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority. The app can be used by passengers to report missing kids on BART and assistance with alerts on emergency situations. #EliteLimousine driver's background is lawfully checked and cleared to operate passenger transporting vehicles, and all fleet vehicles are always cleaned with eco-cleaning solutions without toxin, to keep car interiors environmentally safe and healthy for passengers.

All Elite Limousine fleet vehicles are maintained and monitored to be consistent with legal emission levels for our environment, keeping our environmental climate healthy based on surveys our international media network received. #EliteLimousine performs authentic face-to-face questionnaire surveys with customers, and 97% of customers sharing very satisfied with transportation services provided by #EliteLimousine, per evidence-based information our survey department received!

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