Affordable bicycle advisory committee will cut off by the Freeway

The streetsblog calendar published this week’s highlights. Here are day wise description of the committee decision.

On Monday night, San Francisco Bicycle Advisory Committee meets to discuss the bicycle transportation projects and policies. It makes recommendations to the Municipal Transportation Agency, Board of Supervisors, the County Transportation Authority and the SF Police Department.

The second day Tuesday was dedicated to Affordable Transit for Low-Income Riders. To many households in Bay Area, transportation comes third-largest monthly expense after food and housing. Panel experts discuss the various challenges which low-income riders face while paying for transit.

Tuesday also includes discussion about the Reconnecting Neighbourhoods cut off by the Freeway. It transforms the spaces underneath freeways to beautiful and safe invites. Oakland city has launched a rekint project which is designed to serve the construction I-880.

On Wednesday, The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition and Young Professionals joined hands to give commuting bike rides. The ride was focused on the steps of City Hall on Polk St.

Thursday includes Drinks and Discourse of Micheal Ghielmetti. And Saturday talked about Walk & Bike to Worship Week. The event gets started on Saturday and continues throughout the week.

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