Because transportation is a necessity for working class people as well as families and children, on a daily basis for activities within San Francisco Bay Area, and it could be a hardship situation, creating stressful relations for people on the road. It could lead into unhealthy and unsafe situations for some commuters, generating unhealthy symptoms within their human system, and producing unsafe and unlawful violating behaviors on the road. That's exactly what happened this morning when Highway 92/San Mateo Bridge in San Francisco Bay Area was closed, due to a 3 trucks pile-up on the freeway, and CHP closed the freeway westbound lanes due to oil spill on the road. The clean-up crew is cleaning up roadways with environmental clean-up solutions protecting our natural environment, and the freeway should reopen early afternoon for travelers during working hours commute - CHP is rerouting drivers to alternate routes.

All Elite Limousine fleet vehicles are maintained and monitored to be consistent with legal emission levels for our environment, keeping our environmental climate healthy based on surveys our international media network received. #EliteLimousine performs authentic face-to-face questionnaire surveys with customers, and 97% of customers sharing very satisfied with transportation services provided by #EliteLimousine, per evidence-based information our survey department received! #EliteLimousine driver's background is lawfully checked and cleared to operate passenger transporting vehicles, and all fleet vehicles are always cleaned with eco-cleaning solutions without toxin, to keep car interiors environmentally safe and healthy for passengers.

2016 S-Class Mercedes: