Labor Day Weekend in San Francisco

To reduce the traffic congestion over the holiday weekends at the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District of San Francisco will restrict personal vehicles to the Vista Point parking lot at the north end of the bridge and the Welcome Center parking lot at the south end of the bridge between 11 A.M. and 5 P.M. from Friday, Sept 2 to Monday, Sept. 5.

Bicyclists are welcome but electronic signs will be set on the bridge to notify the drivers. According to the leaked news from CHP Marin Area Office, this change is the result of cooperation between Caltrans, California Highway Patrol, the National Park Service, and the Golden Gate Bridge District.

Vista Point belongs to Caltrans, which has issued a permit to allow the GGBHTD to conduct these restrictions at Vista Point during the holiday weekend. The visitors coming to the Golden Gate Bridge can enjoy the view from the Welcome Center and the Vista Point by taking transfer service of Lyft or Uber.

These ride share vehicles will be allowed to park at both the Welcome Center lot and Vista Point and to pick-up and drop off passengers at the Welcome Center only but not allowed to enter Vista Point. Ridesharing vehicles will need proper identification, such as a decal.

The Welcome Center will still be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. & cafes will be open to serve food and drink as usual. Visitors can park their vehicles in the lots along Lincoln Boulevard and Presidio, or take public transportation to visit the Welcome Center and the Bridge.

Visitors can plan their trip at or by direct calling the Golden Gate Customer Service Center at 511 in weekdays from 7am-6pm.

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