The San Francisco local legislators and mayors office have comprised in moving forward with Vision Zero projects, to protect pedestrians against traffic violators, and possibly resolve more traffic and safety issues regarding pedestrian safety in San Francisco. Recently more and more discussions are catered around safety needs for pedestrians, and Vision Zero is part of discussions by local legislators, mayors office, and city residents. The implementation process for Vision Zero projects was hopefully with a license fee, that would provide more financial support for identified proposal of 40 visible roadway projects in San Francisco.

Our international media network is optimistically hopeful, these roadway projects will eliminate pedestrian fatalities involving traffic violations, and providing a more sense of security for local residents and/or working class people. While taking a walk down city streets and feeling more safe in neighboring locations without feeling unsafe in "city-by-the-bay" especially walking downtown San Francisco! #EliteLimousine driver's background is lawfully checked and cleared to operate passenger transporting vehicles, and all fleet vehicles are always cleaned with eco-cleaning solutions without toxin, to keep car interiors environmentally safe and healthy for passengers.

#EliteLimousine performs authentic face-to-face questionnaire surveys with customers, and 97% of customers sharing very satisfied with transportation services provided by #EliteLimousine, per evidence-based information our survey department received!

2016 S-Class Mercedes: