SF’s plans to strengthen the TDM ordinance for sustainable transportation

A new TDM ordinance is being considered by the Land Use and Transportation Committee of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. According to the ordinance, projects with more than 10000 sq ft will need to adopt stronger ways to cut down auto trips.

The ordinance is aimed at the four major changes which are -

• Remedy the parking loopholes. Parking spaces tend to generate auto trips therefore, exempting them would undermine the effectiveness of the TDM ordinance.

• Improve the pro walking strategy. The options under the TDM include only one point for walking improvement. It should have more of these to encourage basic transpiration form.

• Eliminate parking requirements. Minimum parking in transit coordinator and commercial districts is a potent tool for TDM.

As the ordinance becomes more strengthened, it will aid in building effective TDM measures in San Francisco. For instance, during the 80s, a limitation was put in parking in new buildings. It required big offices to offer benefits like carpooling, trip planner for workers, and transit passes.

Unfortunately, the city undermines the goals of TDM with current street designs that put the safety of bikers and walkers in jeopardy. If stronger changes are adopted and implemented, the TDJ program could make the city lot safer, greener, and healthier.

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